
Developmentally appropriate learning for children ages 0-6. Classes offered for each age. Come to the Family Music for Babies class for 0-1 1/2 yrs. Enjoy Sing With Me, Dance With Me class for 1 1/2-3 yrs. Cycle of Seasons will be a whirlwind of splashing colors, falling leaves, winter snow and spring sights for our 3 & 4 yr. olds. Musik Makers: At Home in the World will take our 4-6 yr. olds on adventures every week starting with their own home. Once children have mastered these skill sets they can sign up for a private piano or vocal lesson beginning at age 7.
Family Music for Babies 0-1 1/2 yrs
Music plays a unique role in fulfilling the innate potential of every child. Music is vital in constructing a harmonious and secure environment that helps children grow healthy and confident. Through musical play, bonding and attachment is fostered simply and delightfully. Through musical play, caregivers can comfort, console, and stimulate the child, thus assuring safe passage to a healthy, confident, and happy childhood. Musical play lays the foundation for claiming music as one of the child's languages. Its nurturing and enriching influence helps children realize their innate potential for music and more.
What this class includes:
-Twelve 30 minute Parent and Child weekly classes
- Family Music for Babies CD
-Extensive Parent Guide
-Family instrument packet:
Rhythm sticks
Wooden rattle
Transparent Music Scarf
12 classes
*Open for Scheduling
Sing With Me, Dance With Me 1 1/2-3 yrs
Music makes a difference in the lives of children. Music improves overall development, decreases learning problems, and enhances brain functioning- all in a learning environment that fosters the building of community. Through music we touch the whole child and can make a positive impact on the child and family.
What this class includes:
-Twelve 30-40 minute weekly Parent-Child classes
-Over 100 playful activities
-Moving, singing, listening, and playing
-Musical Recordings
-4 Rhythm sticks
-A Music scarf
-Parent Book
12 classes
Saturdays 10:30-11:05 am
Cycles of Seasons 3-4 yrs
The Cycle of Seasons presents music and movement activities to build the sensory-motor foundation for learning, respecting the preschool child's growing independence and developing competencies. The collection includes songs, numerous movement activities, exciting exploration of instruments and stories for the children to act out and embellish. The primary goal is to bring the child together with family into the music, movement and environmental experience.
What this class includes:
-Fifteen 45-minute weekly class
-2 CD recordings
-12 illustrated cards
-Extensive Parent Guide to musical development
15 classes
Mondays 5:15-6 pm
Musik Makers: at Home in the World 4-6 yrs
The core areas of Musikgarten curricula are movement, focused listening, singing, and playing instruments. A pathway to literacy is a key element in all Musikgarten curricula; initially this is exhibited in the building of an intentional vocabulary of patterns. Musik Makers: At Home in the World introduces two specific, age-appropriate new skill layers: building ensemble and an introduction to writing and reading.
What this class includes:
-Fifteen 1 hour weekly classes
-Family Packets
-Class CD
-Folder/Nature Poster
-Game pieces
-Instrument Pages
-Notation Games
-Parent Book
15 classes
Mondays 4-5 pm
Register for a Class Today!
407-744-7249 |